In the words of the North Sydney Council website in relation to community engagement:

Community engagement has become an essential part of government planning, policy development and service delivery.
It improves the quality of decisions and is an important part of being responsive to community and stakeholder needs.”

Waverton has had an active community throughout its history. It was the local community who pressed to save Balls Head from industrial and housing development, who had a similar victory gaining Carradah Park from the old BP site, and more recently fended off an oversized marina proposed for Berrys Bay. Other victories can be found elsewhere in this site.

The aim of Waverton Precinct is to continue to provide a platform which allows its residents to participate in the democratic life of our area, from the most modest DA to the largest proposed incursions into our public spaces, freedoms and lifestyles.


  • Chair: Ian Grey
  • Deputy Chair: JD
  • Secretary: SF
  • Treasurer: KA
  • DAs: MP
  • Website: SF


First Tuesday of each month (except January)at 7:30 pm. Typically at the Waverton Uniting Church Hall
75 Bay Road, Waverton


Please follow the links below to ongoing community groups: